Where's My Water Full Version Game | Download Free APK



Where's My Water? is a puzzle video game developed by Creature Feep and published by Disney Mobile, a subsidiary of Disney Interactive Studios. Released for desktop web browsers such as IE and devices using Apple's iOS, Google's Android, Microsoft's Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10 operating systems, the game requires players to route a supply of water to a fastidious alligator. Where's My Water? has been praised for its gameplay and its graphical style, with special recognition of its lead character, Swampy, the first original Disney character for a mobile game, voiced by actor, Justin T. Bowler.

        The game has inspired four spin-offs to date: “Where’s My Perry?”, “Where’s My Mickey?”, "Where's My Water? featuring XYY" and "Where's My Valentine?".

        In September 2013, a sequel titled, Where's My Water 2 was released.


        Swampy, an alligator living in a city sewer system, hates being dirty, but whenever he tries to take a bath, Cranky, another alligator living in the sewers, disrupts the water flow to Swampy's home. Located somewhere on the level is a supply of water, either a finite amount pooled at various locations or an infinite amount flowing from a pipe. Players use the touch screen on their device to dig through the dirt and redirect the water toward an inlet leading to Swampy's bathtub. Occasionally, the water must be routed through other pipes or must interact with machines in order to open up a route to the inlet. When the required amount of water reaches the bathtub, the level is completed and the next level is unlocked. Also scattered around the level are three rubber ducks that can be collected when they absorb an amount of water. Select levels also include items hidden in the dirt that will unlock bonus levels when three-item collections are completed.

        Certain levels are also populated by hazards that must be avoided or removed. For example, some levels contain algae that will absorb water and grow. Other types of fluids will sometimes appear, such as purple poison/acid, reddish mud, and green ooze/slime. A single drop of poison will contaminate pure water, turning it into poison as well, while the ooze will erode through the dirt and react with water, destroying both fluids. Mud eventually hardens into dirt, unless water reaches it, in which the water turns to mud instantly. If either poison, ooze or mud reaches the inlet, the level is failed and must be restarted. (Swampy jumps out of the tub if poison/acid enters it, but simply gets surprised or disgusted if ooze/slime or mud enters it instead). If all the water or any fluids that must be converted disappear etc., Swampy cries mournfully as the level restarts too. (only on the free version.) The poison, mud, and the ooze will kill all the rubber ducks (the ducks turn into skulls and make a painful-sounding quack) on contact. However, poison and ooze will also destroy the invasive algae on contact—the poison will eliminate it, while the ooze will cause it to solidify, creating a new barrier—and they will react explosively if they touch each other, potentially opening up parts of the level to the benefit or detriment of the player.

        Points are awarded for a/the short amount of time taken to complete the level, for collecting rubber ducks and for delivering more than the minimum amount of water to Swampy's tub. Collecting a certain number of rubber ducks will also unlock new groups of levels.

Download the Free APK

      Ofcourse, after reading about the awesome game and watching its trailer, you would love to play the game on your device. We would have provided you the Play Store or App Store link but frankly speaking, its of no use. The reason is that the game is not free "officially". So What to do now ?
        Don't worry we'll help you. We've provided a free download link below. Click on the Download Now box and download the game.
        Unfortunately, iPhone users will have to buy the game. Android users can download the free APK. All the levels inside the game are unlocked. You can choose any level or any episode. To enjoy the Best Game play, upgrade your Android to 4.x or above.
        If you're having trouble downloading the game, leave a comment below. Else you can see our guide on "How to Download from iTech Valley"


Gaurav Lonkar

Hi. I’m founder of iTech Valley. I’m Android App Developer, Web Designer, JAVA Programmer, Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, and A Geek. Inspired to make things looks better. My Dream is to eliminate Human Limitations with Technology

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