How to add Twitter tab on Facebook Page

When Facebook was launched in 2004, the site was running on PHP and Basic HTML. Now after 10 years, the features of this Social Network has increased a lot. They've launched their own Programming Language "HACK".

        Recently, Facebook has added a new functionality of adding "Tabs" to your Facebook Page. Thanks to the developer Vladimir Sobolev for developing this extensively useful Facebook App. Many of you have a Facebook Page along with your Twitter Page. You can add that Twitter Page right onto your Facebook Page's Timeline so that anyone who visits your Facebook Page can go through your Tweets without logging into Twitter.


        Follow these simple steps and get the App on your Facebook Page's Timeline.

1. Log in to your Facebook account.

2. Open this Facebook App by clicking on this link

3. Click on Install Application!

4. Choose the Facebook Page you want that Tab get into.

5. Wait for 5 seconds to complete the installation.

6. Done.

7. If you're not getting the tab on the main page then Go to "Manage Tabs". 
     You'll find the Tab there. Drag the Tab to first or second position.

 You can also add other Apps like YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Vimeo, Pinterest and also HTML 5.


Gaurav Lonkar

Hi. I’m founder of iTech Valley. I’m Android App Developer, Web Designer, JAVA Programmer, Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, and A Geek. Inspired to make things looks better. My Dream is to eliminate Human Limitations with Technology

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