Steve Jobs - Best Documentaries | Watch in HD

        Steve Jobs - The Genius who has motivated millions of lives through his legendary legacy of Apple Inc. His early death has made the world cry because he really changed the world. Steve Jobs died on 5th October 2011. After his death the world realized how he influenced the Technology Industry and missed him.

        Many directors from Hollywood have made movies on his life like jOBS and The Pirates of the Silicon Valley. News Companies like BBC, Discovery and PBS have released medium length biography on his extraordinary career. Here are some of the best Documentaries on his life. Watch these Insanely Great videos and Share with your buddies.

1. iGenius - How Steve Jobs Changed the World (Discovery)

        This Documentary holds the first place because it has got all the stuffs that went through his life. This Documentary has been released by Discovery Channel and is the most watched documentary on Netflix and YouTube. The Evolution of iPod, iPad, iPhone, iTunes has been briefly covered in this one. Along with Apple's, Discovery has covered the Jobs' work at NeXT and Pixar. The Evolution of iTunes and hidden facts about its birth is the best part which will motivate you.

2. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing (PBS)

        This is an PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) Exclusive documentary released on November 2nd 2011, released just a month after Steve Jobs' death. This Documentary will literally make you cry. The Stories in this one has been taken from early conversations between Jobs and the people whom he lived with. This one is totally different from the previous one. This one has the best scenes from the Jobs and Gates interview. Watch it in HD above.

3. Steve Jobs - Billion Dollar Hippy (BBC)

        BBC has also released a Documentary on Jobs' life. This one mainly focuses on Jobs' Hippy life and how he transformed his hippy life into A Billionaire. This has many cuts and scenes from Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, India, etc. The Stepping down of Jobs from Apple has been briefly shown in this documentary. The Evolution of Apple's Mouse to the iMac, everything will fascinate you with is BBC Doc. 

Steve Jobs Stanford University Speech

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is is to do what you believe is great work........ And the only way to do great work is to love what u do......if you haven't found it yet....Keep looking and don't SETTLE"

"As with all matters of the heart, you will know when you find it....
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living somebody else's life....."



Gaurav Lonkar

Hi. I’m founder of iTech Valley. I’m Android App Developer, Web Designer, JAVA Programmer, Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, and A Geek. Inspired to make things looks better. My Dream is to eliminate Human Limitations with Technology

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