From $20,000 to $255 Billion - Life of Jack Ma with

"Today is difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, but most die tomorrow evening"- Jack Ma

        If you're thinking of giving up on your passion or career, then wait. Read this before you make a decision.

        Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group handled uncountable rejections and failures in his life before starting his Hundred Billion Dollar Company

        Jack Ma belonged to a family of musicians with a non-technical background. Neither Jack knew English until 70s. This Chinese Entrepreneur started to learn English while interacting with Foreigners. He used to wake up early in the morning, drove to a nearest hotel and meet different English Speaking people. He used to provide free tour guides of his hometown. He did this for 9 years, rain and snow. Jack wasn't a brilliant student. He failed in his University Exams thrice.

        After graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in English, Jack searched for a Job. He went to Police for it, but he got rejected saying "you're no good." Then he went to KFC and applied there. But things got worse. 24 people from his city applied at KFC. 23 people walked in except Jack. He failed there too. This way he applied in 30 different companies. But got rejected every single time.

Jack Ma's words on his past.

        After so much of failure, he desired to teach and become an English professor at Harvard University. There he knocked off 10 times. At an interview, Jack said,"I always want to teach at Harvard. Someday I should go teach there maybe".

        In 1994, Ma heard about Internet. The first word he searched on the Internet was "Beer". Second word he searched was "China" but it returned with no results. He came up with an idea of starting an Internet based company. Jack and his wife collected $20,000 and invested in an Online Company called China Yellow Pages. In three years, he made $800,000 from his first company. 

        Jack, then gathered in his apartment with his 17 friends. He told them his idea and vision regarding Alibaba Group. All of his friends said it was a stupid idea. He felt bad and thought about his dream whole night. Next day he decided to start Alibaba.

        Today, in 2015, Alibaba Group is worth $255 Billion and he is the 18th richest person on the planet. In 2014, Alibaba's IPO was released. It it said to be the largest IPO in history. Alibaba has a market value of $231 billion, exceeding the combined market capitalization of Amazon and eBay, the two leading US e-commerce companies.

Source : Bloomberg

Jack Ma's story taught us the world is full of  opportunities. It's how you view the world and catch the opportunities coming your way is all that matters. NEVER GIVE UP !


Gaurav Lonkar

Hi. I’m founder of iTech Valley. I’m Android App Developer, Web Designer, JAVA Programmer, Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, and A Geek. Inspired to make things looks better. My Dream is to eliminate Human Limitations with Technology

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